Deprecated Behavior
Direction | Category | Message Name | Last supported version |
GAME => LOL | Audio | playSound (deprecated) | V2 |
Game => LOL | Audio | stopSound (deprecated) | V2 |
Game => LOL | Audio | configureSound (deprecated) | V2 |
LoL => Game | Data Payload | questions (deprecated) | V3 |
Game => LoL | Progress | answer | V3 |
Game => LoL | Speech | speakQuestion | V3 |
Game => LoL | Speech | speakAlternatives | V3 |
Game => LoL | Speech | speakQuestionsAndAlternatives | V3 |
playSound (deprecated)
file - Relative path to the sound within the /StreamingAssets directory of your game.
background - True if the sound should be treated as background audio and fade during a sound effect (non-background sound). Defaults to false (doesn't fade).
loop - True if the sound should repeat. Defaults to false.
stopSound (deprecated)
file - Relative path to the sound within the /StreamingAssets directory of your game.
configureSound (deprecated)
The configureSound function sets the volume levels for background sounds that provide ambiance as opposed to sound effects that provide information to the user. These levels remain in effect until changed by another configureSound call.
All values are expressed as floats between 0.0 and 1.0 with 0.0 being silence and 1.0 being full volume. The default values are 0.20 for background sounds, 0.65 for sound effects and 0.10 for background sounds while sound effects are playing.
The configureSound function takes the following parameters:
foreground - The volume for normal sounds.
background - The volume for background sounds when no normal sounds are playing.
fade - The volume for the background sounds while normal sound are playing.
The following snippet mutes background sounds when normal sounds are playing.
Questions (V3 and earlier)
The platform calls the callback with an array of question objects. Each question object has the following properties:
questionId - string that uniquely identifies the question
stem - Stem is a phrase that educators use when describing the text of the question. As in "What is your favorite color?"
alternatives - An array of objects that the game can use to display the relevant choices that the student picks from.
correctAlternativeId - The unique string identifier of the correct alternative.
imageURL: URL of the image to display with the question. May be null.
Each alternative object has the following properties:
text - The text to display for this alternative
alternativeId - The unique string identifier of this alternative. Used when building an answer object.
Last updated