Version 5.4: August 2023
Unity 2022 version support for Unity 2022.3.5 LTS and newer
Version 5.3: May 2022
Unity 2020 support for Unity 2020.3.33 LTS and newer
Supports Brotli and Gzip compressing
uncompressed builds have to be under 30 MB or they cannot be uploaded
Updated Loader example to prevent race conditions with async start and language json (common new dev pitfall)
Version 5: October 2020
Deprecated methods SpeakQuestion, SpeakAnswer, and SpeakQuestionsAndAnswers.
New methods SaveState and LoadState with callback event.
Version 4: June 2019
Deprecated event QuestionsReceived and method SubmitAnswer.
New method ShowQuestion and event AnswerResultReceived.
Version 3: February 2019
Adds a build manifest file called lol_build_specs.json to the StreamingAssets folder to assist with game review automation. This file is automatically generated with each build.
Deprecated methods PlaySound, StopSound, and ConfigureSound. You will still need to listen for pause/resume state changes and adjust game sound accordingly.
Deprecated event GameStateChanged for handling pause/resume. Instead developers should set Application.runInBackground = false.
Version 2: November 2017
Implemented Unity Javascript Interop changes, removed reliance on deprecated Application.ExternalCall
Speech: Added calls allowing games to indicate whenever they are displaying text, questions, or or answers. This allows the LOL platform to speak the text to students when desired.
Language: Added an event where games receive language dictionary, possibly translated into multiple languages
Lifecycle: Version 1 had games call "Init" and then begin. This meant the LOL platforms had no means for passing information into the game. In Version 2, the lifecycle is updated to allow a three phase sequential.
Init: Start an API instance (injects GameObject into scene)
GameIsReady (payload): Game tells platform game has been initialized
StartGame (payload): Platform tells game to start, possibly passing initialization data
Language: choice of language, ex. english or Spanish. Read about Language here.
LastGameProgress: returns the last progress point submitted by the game. Allows games to resume when students lose their session.
Version 1: November 2016
Initial Release.
Game lifecycle: games start and complete themselves
Receive questions and Send answers
Performance debugging tools
Audio solution for WebGL / iPad
Last updated
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