Question List (V3)

Questions + Answers for API V3 and Earlier

Subscribe to Receive Questions

To get questions from the platform your game will subscribe to receive questions when they are available from the platform. Preserve the order of the questions and their alternative when presenting them to the student.

Submit Answers

When a student answers a question call SubmitAnswer to post the answer to the platform.

Note: A game may also include its own questions and answers based on the learning objectives. In that case the results are not submitted via SubmitAnswer.

Displaying Images for Questions

Some questions include images which must be displayed relative to the text of the question so that the question makes sense. See MultipleChoiceQuestion in the API for more information.

"Leo built a model of the water cycle using equipment he found in his home. In the model, evaporation is occurring, but it is happening very slowly. Which of the following will most likely increase the rate at which evaporation occurs in Leo's model? [IMAGE]"

Then the game should display the image from the imageURL between the second and third sentences. (Remove any [IMAGE] tag from the text before displaying.)

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