Download SDK V5

LOL SDK V5.4 (Unity 2022): Download Latest Release

The lol-unity-sdk-v5_4-2022-LTS.unitypackage contains all of the resources you need for developing a game for the Legends of Learning platform.


  1. If you are upgrading from a previous version of the SDK then you should delete it from your project before proceeding.

  2. Download the unitypackage file from the link above

  3. Import into a new or existing Unity project using the top menu bar in your Unity project: Assets->Import Package->Custom Package.

  4. Get familiar with the latest API features in the LegendsOfLearning-Example folder. You can delete this folder when you no longer need it.

The Unity SDK includes the following files:

  • LOLSDK.dll: contains LOLSDK singleton for all API calls and subscribe events.

  • LoLWebGL.cs: Externs C# interface to JavaScript in WebGL build.

  • LoLWebGL.jslib: Provides in-browser Javascript functionality

  • WebGLTemplate (lol-template): When building your game for WebGL you need to use the LoL WebGL template contained in the package file. The folder /Assets/WebGLTemplates/lol-template contains a basic index.html for the WebGL build.

  • Demo: subfolder containing an example project implementation of the SDK.

To use the SDK in your Unity C# code, you must use the SDK namespace.

using LoLSDK;
  • We have updated the Loader example to prevent race conditions with async start and language json (common new dev pitfall)

External Resources

Previous Versions

LOL SDK V5.3 (Unity 2020):

LOL SDK V5.2.0: (Unity 2019)

  • supports Unity 2019.4, minimum release 2019.4.16f1

Last updated